Call us today on 01202 747788


Duvet & Blanket Cleaning

BH Laundry provide an efficient laundry service for all your duvets, bedspreads, beau duvets, eiderdowns, pillows and blankets. We are also able to provide a BULK service for hotels, holiday parks etc for laundering large quantities of duvets or blankets. Whether you need 1 single duvet cleaned or 200 every week we can do it. For more information please contact us.

Special offer - any hollowfibre duvet cleaned for £9.50 or any two for £18

Dry Cleaning

BH Laundry provide a full range of dry cleaning services including wedding dresses; leathers, suede, and sheepskin; curtains and all other household articles and clothing. Collection and delivery service is FREE for all orders over £12 and we also offer a "take down and rehang" service for curtains (price available on request). Please click the Contact Us page to find out more or call us on 01202 747788.

4 items Wet Cleaned for £15

Launderette & Ironing Centres

BH Laundry Launderette and Ironing - Winton
(formerly Winton Washerette)
304 Wimborne Road, Winton, Bournemouth, BH9 2HN.

Tel: 01202 513355

Open for Self-Service: Every day, 365 days / year (7am - 9pm)
Attended: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm

BH Laundry Wet Cleaning and Ironing - Winton
(formerly Superclean Dry Cleaners)
300 Wimborne Road, Winton, Bournemouth, BH9 2HN.

Tel: 01202 527572

Open for Dry Cleaning, Ironing, Duvet Cleaning and Laundry Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm

Address Winton Launderette and Dry Cleaners
300 Wimborne Road
Winton Dorset,

01202 513355 or 01202 527572 01202 747788

Email Address